Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 10 - Licenses for Specific Types of Organizations and Venues
Section 20-1001.1 - Art Gallery Beer and Wine License

(a)    (1)    The Board may issue an art gallery beer and wine license to a nonprofit or for–profit retail business engaged in the display and sale of original artwork, or copies of original artwork that are reproduced no more than 300 times, by an individual artist or a group of artists.
        (2)    A business that displays and sells commercially prepared or mass–produced artistic products may not be issued the license.
    (b)    The license holder may sell or serve beer and wine at retail for on–premises consumption when snacks are served during normal business hours but not later than midnight.
    (c)    The annual license fee is $100.
    (d)    The license may not be transferred from the location for which the license was originally issued to another location.