Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 5 - Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation
Section 2-503 - Board of Trustees

(a)    (1)    The Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation shall be governed and administered by a board of trustees composed of:
            (i)    The State Treasurer, the Comptroller, the Secretary of Planning, and the Secretary, all of whom shall serve as ex officio members;
            (ii)    Nine members from the State at–large to be appointed by the Governor, at least six of whom shall be farmer representatives who are engaged in or retired from active farming from different areas of the State, and four of whom shall be appointed as follows:
                1.    One from a list of three nominees submitted by the Maryland Agricultural Commission;
                2.    One from a list of three nominees submitted by the Maryland Farm Bureau;
                3.    One from a list of three nominees submitted by the Maryland State Grange; and
                4.    One from a list of three nominees submitted by the Young Farmers Advisory Board; and
            (iii)    Any designee appointed by an ex officio member under paragraph (3) of this subsection.
        (2)    Nominees under paragraph (1)(ii)4 of this subsection shall meet the requirements of § 2–1002(d) of this title.
        (3)    Each ex officio member of the board of trustees may appoint a designee to serve in the member’s place on the board.
        (4)    The Governor shall appoint the chairman of the board, from among the nine at–large trustees.
        (5)    A majority of the members of the board serving at any one time constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business.
        (6)    Notwithstanding the provisions of §§ 5–502 through 5–504 of the General Provisions Article, a person may be appointed to and serve on the board as an at–large member even if prior to the appointment the person sold an easement in the person’s agricultural land to the Foundation.
    (b)    (1)    The term of any trustee at–large serving on the board shall expire on July 1, 1977. The Governor then shall appoint trustees at–large for the following terms:
            (i)    Three for a term of four years;
            (ii)    Three for a term of three years; and
            (iii)    Three for a term of two years.
        (2)    In appointing members at–large to replace members whose terms expire on July 1, 1977, the Governor may appoint members serving as of July 1, 1977. Thereafter, successors to trustees at–large whose terms expire shall be appointed for terms of four years. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term. A trustee at–large may not serve more than two successive terms. Appointment to fill a vacancy may not be considered as one of two terms.
    (c)    Trustees at–large shall take the oath of office as prescribed by law.
    (d)    Compensation may not be paid to any trustee. Each trustee shall be reimbursed for travel and other expenses incurred by him in the performance of his duties on behalf of the Foundation.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes


Title 2 - Department of Agriculture

Subtitle 5 - Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation

Section 2-501 - "Child" Defined

Section 2-501.1 - Legislative Intent

Section 2-502 - Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation Established

Section 2-503 - Board of Trustees

Section 2-504 - General Powers of Foundation

Section 2-504.1 - Agricultural Preservation Advisory Boards

Section 2-505 - Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Fund

Section 2-506 - Annual Report to Governor and General Assembly

Section 2-507 - Executive Director and Staff

Section 2-508 - Purchases of Agricultural Land Preservation Easements

Section 2-508.1 - Disbursements to County Agricultural Land Preservation Programs

Section 2-509 - Foundation Regulations and Procedures for Sale of Easements

Section 2-509.1 - Elimination of Districts as a Requirement for Easement Application Process

Section 2-510 - Sale of Easement in Agricultural Land

Section 2-510.1 - Grant to Purchase Easement Under Certain Conditions

Section 2-511 - Value of Easement

Section 2-512 - Approval of Local Programs of Agricultural Land Preservation

Section 2-513 - Use of Land for Which Easement Purchased

Section 2-513.1 - Authority of County to Deny Applications Under Local Land Use Regulations

Section 2-514 - Termination of Easement

Section 2-514.1 - Easement Approved on or After October 1, 2004 to Be Held in Perpetuity

Section 2-515 - Condemnation of Land Under Agricultural Preservation Easement

Section 2-516 - Approval of Certification or Recertification of County Agricultural Land Preservation Program Applications

Section 2-517 - Critical Farms Program

Section 2-517.1 - Farmland Preservation Partnership Program

Section 2-518 - Priority Preservation Areas

Section 2-519 - Imposition of Civil Penalties