Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 3 - Appraisers
Section 2-301 - Appointment by Register; Fees

(a)    (1)    The register may appoint a reasonable number of standing appraisers to serve at the register’s pleasure.
        (2)    Subject to the approval of the Comptroller, the register may fix the conditions of their employment and their remuneration.
    (b)    (1)    If a register exercises the register’s authority to appoint standing appraisers, all property required to be independently appraised but not appraised by special appraisers under § 7–202(e) of this article shall be appraised by standing appraisers.
        (2)    If a register does not appoint standing appraisers, the register shall, with respect to any estate which contains property required to be independently appraised but not appraised by special appraisers, appoint general appraisers as provided in § 2–302 of this subtitle.
    (c)    An appraisal fee is payable only to a person making an appraisal requested by the personal representative, and is always subject to review by the court.