Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 2 - Manufacturer's Licenses
Section 2-219 - Sale and Delivery by Holder of Manufacturers License -- Direct Shipments

    (a)    This section does not apply to the holder of a:
        (1)    Class 2 rectifying license;
        (2)    Class 3 winery license; or
        (3)    Class 6 pub–brewery license.
    (b)    A holder of a manufacturer’s license may sell and deliver a product produced under the holder’s license to an individual located in the State if:
        (1)    the delivery is made by an employee who is:
            (i)    at least 18 years old; and
            (ii)    certified by an approved alcohol awareness program;
        (2)    the purchaser, or another individual at least 21 years old designated by the purchaser, is physically present to receive the alcoholic beverages at the time and place of delivery;
        (3)    the purchaser pays for the purchase at the time of the order; and
        (4)    the deliverer and the individual receiving the delivery each endorse a delivery form that the Commission approves at the time of delivery certifying that:
            (i)    the individual receiving the delivery claimed to be at least 21 years old and the claim was supported by documentary evidence;
            (ii)    the individual receiving the delivery knew that it is a criminal offense for alcoholic beverages to be given to an individual under the age of 21 years; and
            (iii)    the deliverer examined the recipient’s identification.
    (c)    A holder of a manufacturer’s license may directly ship alcohol to a consumer on request, if the Commission authorizes the direct shipment after determining that:
        (1)    the shipment can be completed safely using a common carrier in accordance with other applicable laws; and
        (2)    all applicable sales and excise taxes are paid.