Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 2 - Maryland Agricultural Commission
Section 2-204 - Officers; Meetings; Executive Secretary; Compensation

(a)    The Commission may elect from among its appointed members a chairman, vice-chairman, secretary, and other officers it deems appropriate. The officers have the duties and responsibilities usually incumbent upon these officers.
    (b)    The Commission shall meet every month, unless by majority vote it decides otherwise. The Commission also shall meet when called by the Secretary.
    (c)    The Commission shall employ a full-time executive secretary whose minimum duties shall be to carry out the work of the Commission, and to assist the Secretary in the promotion of the agricultural industry. He shall maintain an office in the City of Annapolis. The Commission, with the approval of the Secretary, shall determine the salary of the executive secretary.
    (d)    All salaries and expenses for rent, stenographic and clerical help, stationery, postage, and miscellaneous office materials necessary for the work of the Commission and executive secretary shall be provided in the State budget. The members of the Commission may not receive a salary, but shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in attending meetings and other business of the Commission.