Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 2 - Board of License Commissioners
Section 19-203 - Compensation; Staff

(a)    (1)    (i)    The chair of the Board shall receive an annual salary of $3,000.
            (ii)    Each other member of the Board shall receive an annual salary of $2,500.
        (2)    Expenses of the Board:
            (i)    are subject to county personnel policies and rules; and
            (ii)    shall be provided for in the county budget.
    (b)    (1)    The Board may:
            (i)    employ and set the compensation of clerical and other assistants as are necessary; and
            (ii)    with the approval of the County Council:
                1.    employ an inspector and a recording secretary who shall be employees of the county as provided in the county budget; and
                2.    appoint legal counsel.
        (2)    Restrictions applicable to members of the Board under § 19–202(c) of this subtitle shall apply to legal counsel and staff assigned to the Board.
        (3)    County personnel policies and rules shall apply to:
            (i)    staff assigned to the Board; and
            (ii)    staff expenses.
        (4)    Staff expenses shall be provided for in the county budget.