Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 36 - Maryland Community College Promise Scholarships
Section 18-3607 - Report

On or before December 1, 2020, and each December 1 thereafter, the Commission shall report to the General Assembly, in accordance with § 2–1257 of the State Government Article, on the implementation of the Maryland Community College Promise Scholarship program, including:
        (1)    The number of applicants who received a Maryland Community College Promise Scholarship in the academic year disaggregated by the community college at which the scholarship was used;
        (2)    The number of scholarship recipients enrolled in an associate’s degree program;
        (3)    The number of scholarship recipients enrolled in a vocational certificate program;
        (4)    The number of scholarship recipients enrolled in a certificate program;
        (5)    The amount of the award made to each scholarship recipient;
        (6)    The number of eligible applicants, if any, who were placed on a waiting list and the amount of demonstrated financial need, in the aggregate, of those applicants;
        (7)    The number of scholarship recipients who earned an associate’s degree within 2, 3, or 4 years after receiving an award;
        (8)    The number of scholarship recipients who earned a vocational certificate within 1, 2, or 3 years after receiving an award;
        (9)    The number of scholarship recipients who transferred to a 4–year institution in the State;
        (10)    The number of scholarship recipients who received a baccalaureate degree after transferring to a 4–year institution in the State;
        (11)    The actual and potential impact of the program on enrollment rates at community colleges and 4–year public institutions in the State; and
        (12)    The outreach activities made by the Commission for the scholarship.