Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 3 - Delegate Howard P. Rawlings Educational Excellence Awards Program
Section 18-305 - Use of Award

(a)    A Delegate Howard P. Rawlings Educational Excellence Award may be used:
        (1)    At a degree granting institution of higher education, an eligible institution with an associate degree program that provides transfer credit for an accredited baccalaureate program, or a hospital diploma school for training registered nurses if the curriculum is approved by the Commission; and
        (2)    For educational expenses as defined by the Commission, including:
            (i)    Tuition and fees; and
            (ii)    Room and board.
    (b)    Except as provided in subsection (d) of this section, a Delegate Howard P. Rawlings Educational Excellence Award may be used at a school in another state if:
        (1)    There is a reciprocal agreement as provided in § 18–308 of this subtitle; and
        (2)    The school meets requirements of subsection (a)(1) of this section.
    (c)    Except as provided in subsection (d) of this section, a Delegate Howard P. Rawlings Educational Excellence Award may be used at a degree granting institution of higher education that is not in the State if:
        (1)    The applicant is a deaf or hearing impaired student attending an institution of higher education that makes special provisions for deaf and hearing impaired students; and
        (2)    Comparable special provisions are not available to the student at an institution of higher education in the State.
    (d)    The Office may not award more than 10% of the funds available for each of the types of grants awarded under this subtitle for use by students attending schools in another state and the District of Columbia.