Maryland Statutes
Part II - Peddler License -- in General
Section 17-905 - Scope of Part

(a)    Part II of this subtitle does not apply in Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Calvert, Cecil, Howard, Montgomery, and Prince George’s counties.
    (b)    In Allegany County, Part II of this subtitle does not apply to a trader who holds a trader’s license and has kept a regular place of business in Allegany County for at least 5 years.
    (c)    In Charles County, Part II of this subtitle:
        (1)    applies to the sale of goods from a motor vehicle or temporary stand; but
        (2)    does not apply to the sale of goods from a motor vehicle or temporary stand in connection with a permanent business in Charles County if:
            (i)    the seller has the written permission of the owner of the business; and
            (ii)    the motor vehicle or temporary stand is on or adjacent to the premises of the business.
    (d)    In Harford County, Part II of this subtitle:
        (1)    applies to the sale of goods from a vehicle or temporary stand; and
        (2)    does not apply to:
            (i)    the sale of goods on property that the seller owns or leases; or
            (ii)    a nonprofit organization.
    (e)    In St. Mary’s County, Part II of this subtitle applies to a nonresident of St. Mary’s County who sells goods from a motor vehicle, temporary stand, or other temporary location.
    (f)    Except in Harford County, Part II of this subtitle does not apply to the sale of:
        (1)    fish or oysters in their natural and unpreserved condition; or
        (2)    perishable fruits or vegetables in their natural condition.