Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 8 - Garages
Section 17-803 - License Fees

(a)    (1)    An applicant for a garage license shall pay to the clerk a license fee based on the floor area of each garage.
        (2)    In a county other than Baltimore City or Baltimore County, the license fee is:
            (i)    $20 for a garage with not more than 2,000 square feet;
            (ii)    $40 for a garage with more than 2,000 and not more than 3,000 square feet;
            (iii)    $75 for a garage with more than 3,000 and not more than 5,000 square feet;
            (iv)    $125 for a garage with more than 5,000 and not more than 7,500 square feet;
            (v)    $200 for a garage with more than 7,500 and not more than 10,000 square feet; or
            (vi)    $200 for a garage with more than 10,000 square feet plus $50 for each additional 5,000 square feet or part of 5,000 square feet.
        (3)    In Baltimore City or Baltimore County, the license fee is $6 for each 100 square feet of each garage.
    (b)    The floor area on which the license fee is based is the total floor area of all floors of the garage, excluding:
        (1)    the space occupied by a machine shop that is defined by permanent partitions; and
        (2)    the floor area of a space 15 feet wide and extending the entire length or depth of the garage on each floor on which a law requires that a space be kept open.