Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 6 - Prohibited Acts; Penalties
Section 17-602 - Prohibited Acts -- Alcohol and Drug Counselor, Professional Counselor, Marriage and Family Therapist

Except as otherwise provided in this title, unless an individual has been approved by the Board to practice as a licensed graduate alcohol and drug counselor, a licensed graduate professional counselor, a licensed graduate marriage and family therapist, or a licensed graduate professional art therapist the individual may not:
        (1)    Use the title “licensed graduate alcohol and drug counselor”, “licensed graduate professional counselor”, “licensed graduate marriage and family therapist”, or “licensed graduate professional art therapist”;
        (2)    Use the initials “L.G.A.D.C.”, “L.G.P.C.”, “L.G.M.F.T.”, or “L.G.P.A.T.” after the name of the individual;
        (3)    Represent to the public that the individual is approved by the Board to practice alcohol and drug counseling, professional counseling, marriage and family therapy, or professional art therapy; or
        (4)    Use any title, abbreviation, sign, card, or other representation that the individual is a licensed graduate alcohol and drug counselor, a licensed graduate professional counselor, a licensed graduate marriage and family therapist, or a licensed graduate professional art therapist.