Maryland Statutes
Part III - Duties of Licensees
Section 17-530.2 - Standard Disclosure or Consent Form

(a)    (1)    A licensed real estate broker, licensed associate real estate broker, or licensed real estate salesperson who participates in a residential real estate transaction shall utilize a standard disclosure form in each real estate transaction that includes the information specified in § 17–530(f) of this subtitle.
        (2)    A licensed real estate broker or branch office manager who acts as a dual agent and a licensed real estate associate broker or licensed real estate salesperson who acts as an intra–company agent in a real estate transaction shall utilize a standard consent form that includes the information specified in § 17–530.1(c) of this subtitle.
    (b)    (1)    The Commission shall prepare and provide:
            (i)    the standard disclosure form required under subsection (a)(1) of this section to each licensee in this State; and
            (ii)    the standard consent form for dual agency required under subsection (a)(2) of this section to each licensee in this State.
        (2)    The standard disclosure form and the standard consent form for dual agency shall be:
            (i)    written in a clear and coherent manner using words with common and everyday meanings;
            (ii)    appropriately divided and captioned by their various sections; and
            (iii)    printed in at least 10 point type.