Maryland Statutes
Part II - General Miscellaneous Provisions
Section 17-522 - Real Estate Conservation Areas

(a)    After a public hearing, the Commission may declare an urban area a “real estate conservation area” if the Commission finds that the racial stability of the area is threatened by the volume of real estate transactions.
    (b)    (1)    Subject to the provisions of this subsection, the Commission may suspend, by order, any methods of advertising real estate brokerage services or soliciting listings of houses for the purpose of resale or rental in a real estate conservation area if the Commission determines that:
            (i)    the area would benefit by the suspension;
            (ii)    the suspension would advance a State interest;
            (iii)    there is a reasonable basis to believe that panic selling, blockbusting, or depressed real estate market values would occur without the suspension; and
            (iv)    there is no less restrictive alternative available.
        (2)    In determining whether to impose a suspension, the Commission shall base its determination on a preponderance of the evidence.
        (3)    When determining whether to impose a suspension, the Commission shall provide information to the community affected, including:
            (i)    the racial and economic composition of the real estate conservation area;
            (ii)    the number of real estate transactions in the area; and
            (iii)    the fair market values of properties affected.
        (4)    A suspension under paragraph (1) of this subsection may not:
            (i)    apply to advertising in regularly distributed newspapers, magazines, radio, television, or telephone directories; or
            (ii)    exceed 24 months in duration.
    (c)    (1)    Subject to the provisions of this subsection, the Commission may:
            (i)    modify a suspension;
            (ii)    remove a suspension; or
            (iii)    periodically renew a suspension for a period not exceeding 24 months.
        (2)    In determining whether to modify, remove, or renew a suspension, the Commission shall follow the same requirements for originally imposing a suspension under subsection (b) of this section.
    (d)    Any person aggrieved by a suspension may take an appeal to the circuit court of any county.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Business Occupations and Professions

Title 17 - Real Estate Brokers

Subtitle 5 - Miscellaneous Provisions

Part II - General Miscellaneous Provisions

Section 17-511 - Limitation on Interest in Business by Associate Brokers and Salespersons

Section 17-512 - Formation of Various Business Entities by Salespersons and Associate Brokers

Section 17-513 - Division of Fees With Individual Licensed in Another State

Section 17-514 - Service of Process on and Venue for Nonresident Licensees

Section 17-515 - Implied Consent

Section 17-516 - Actions for Compensation for Providing Real Estate Brokerage Services

Section 17-517 - Office

Section 17-518 - Branch Offices

Section 17-519 - Signs

Section 17-520 - Change in Location of Office

Section 17-521 - Dishonored Checks

Section 17-522 - Real Estate Conservation Areas

Section 17-523 - Notice About Taxes

Section 17-524 - Notice of Buyer's Right of Selection

Section 17-525 - Discriminatory Real Estate Practices in Baltimore City

Section 17-526 - Discriminatory Real Estate Practices in Montgomery County

Section 17-527 - Solicitation of Listings in Baltimore City and Baltimore County

Section 17-527.1 - Cessation of Errors and Omissions Insurance

Section 17-527.2 - Use of Trade Names by Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons -- Advertisements

Section 17-527.3 - Use of Trade Names by Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons -- Approval by Commission

Section 17-527.4 - Verification of Service Provider Licensing Status