(a) In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated.
(b) (1) “Amusement device” means a machine for public use that is activated by a coin or token and the result of whose operation depends wholly or partly on the skill of the player, whether or not the machine rewards a successful player.
(2) “Amusement device” includes:
(i) a claw machine;
(ii) a console or other pinball machine;
(iii) a shuffleboard game; and
(iv) a mechanical bowling game.
(3) “Amusement device” does not include a service or vending machine.
(c) “Garrett County amusement device license” means a license issued by the clerk to keep an amusement device for public use in Garrett County.
Structure Maryland Statutes
Title 17 - Miscellaneous State Business Licenses
Subtitle 4 - Amusement Devices
Part IV - Licensing of Amusement Devices -- Garrett County
Section 17-432 - Definitions
Section 17-433 - Scope of Part
Section 17-434 - License Required
Section 17-435 - License Fees; Disposition of Money
Section 17-436 - Issuance and Display of Certificate