Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 27 - Prohibited Acts
Section 17-2701 - Application of General Provisions

(a)    The following sections of Title 6, Subtitle 3 (“Prohibited Acts”) of Division I of this article apply in the county without exception or variation:
        (1)    § 6–305 (“Proof of age for sale of alcoholic beverages”);
        (2)    § 6–306 (“Defense to prosecution for sale to underage individual”);
        (3)    § 6–308 (“Allowing on–premises consumption of alcoholic beverages not purchased from license holder”);
        (4)    § 6–309 (“Allowing on–premises consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages by individual under the age of 21 years”);
        (5)    § 6–310 (“Providing free food”);
        (6)    § 6–311 (“Restrictions on purchases and sales by retail dealer”);
        (7)    § 6–312 (“Beverage misrepresentation”);
        (8)    § 6–313 (“Tampering with alcoholic beverage container”);
        (9)    § 6–314 (“Sale of alcoholic beverage container with detachable metal tab”);
        (10)    § 6–315 (“Alcoholic beverage in container without regular label presumed illicit”);
        (11)    § 6–316 (“Maximum alcohol content”);
        (12)    § 6–317 (“Multiple serving purchase required”);
        (13)    § 6–319 (“On–premises consumption of alcoholic beverages not purchased from license holder”);
        (14)    § 6–320 (“Disorderly intoxication”);
        (15)    § 6–321 (“Consumption of alcoholic beverages in public”);
        (16)    § 6–322 (“Possession of open container”);
        (17)    § 6–323 (“Possession or use of Alcohol Without Liquid machine”);
        (18)    § 6–326 (“Sale of alcoholic beverages in powder or crystalline form prohibited”);
        (19)    § 6–327 (“Unlicensed out–of–state sale of alcoholic beverages”);
        (20)    § 6–328 (“Tax evasion”);
        (21)    § 6–329 (“Destruction of evidence”); and
        (22)    § 6–330 (“Perjury”).
    (b)    The following sections of Title 6, Subtitle 3 (“Prohibited Acts”) of Division I of this article apply in the county:
        (1)    § 6–304 (“Selling or providing alcoholic beverages to individual under the age of 21 years”), subject to § 17–2702 of this subtitle; and
        (2)    § 6–307 (“Selling or providing alcoholic beverages to intoxicated individual”), subject to § 17–2703 of this subtitle.