Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 17 - Micro Markets
Section 17-1702 - Requirements

(a)    Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the owner or operator of a micro market may not be required to have a person in charge present during the hours of operation of the micro market if the micro market meets the requirements of this section.
    (b)    Food sold at a micro market shall:
        (1)    be commercially prepackaged food or ready–to–eat food;
        (2)    be prepackaged in tamper–evident packaging; and
        (3)    contain the following information on the packaging label:
            (i)    nutrition information required by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act;
            (ii)    a freshness or expiration date; and
            (iii)    any other information required under Title 21, Subtitle 2 of the Health – General Article.
    (c)    Refrigerated or frozen food sold at a micro market shall be stored and displayed in a refrigerator, refrigerated cooler, or freezer that:
        (1)    maintains an internal temperature:
            (i)    of 41 degrees Fahrenheit or lower; or
            (ii)    for food safety determined by the Maryland Department of Health;
        (2)    has self–closing doors;
        (3)    has doors that allow the food on display to be viewed without opening the door to the refrigerator, refrigerated cooler, or freezer; and
        (4)    has an automated self–locking feature that prevents a consumer from accessing the food on the occurrence of any condition that results in the failure of the refrigerator, refrigerated cooler, or freezer to maintain the internal temperature required under item (1) of this subsection.
    (d)    (1)    The owner or operator of a micro market shall post a sign that is clearly visible to the consumer near the micro market entryway or while using the electronic payment device that includes the following information:
            (i)    the name of the owner or operator of the micro market to whom complaints and comments regarding the micro market may be addressed;
            (ii)    the business mailing address of the owner or operator;
            (iii)    the business telephone number of the owner or operator; and
            (iv)    the e–mail address and website address of the owner or operator, if applicable.
        (2)    The sign posted under paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be in English and, at the discretion of the owner or operator of the micro market, in any other language of the consumers of the micro market.