Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 4 - Miscellaneous Provisions for Real Estate Appraisers
Section 16-401 - Records

(a)    Subject to the provisions of subsection (b) of this section, a licensed real estate appraiser shall keep, for 5 years from the date of delivery to the client, the original or a copy of:
        (1)    each contract the licensee enters into for the provision of real estate appraisal services;
        (2)    each appraisal report the licensee prepares or signs; and
        (3)    all supporting data that the licensee assembles or formulates to prepare an appraisal report.
    (b)    If, within the 5-year period for the retention of records, a licensed real estate appraiser is given notice that an appraisal or appraisal report is involved in litigation, a new 5-year period shall start on the date of the final disposition of the litigation.
    (c)    On request, a licensed real estate appraiser shall make any record required to be kept under this section available to the Commission to inspect or copy.