Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 3 - Fiscal Matters
Section 16-309 - Payment of County Share

(a)    The Commission shall certify to the treasurer of each county:
        (1)    On or before September 30 and March 31 of each year, one half of the amount it estimates to be the county’s share under § 16-305 of this subtitle; and
        (2)    After the annual audit of each community college, any discrepancy between the payments made and the actual amount of the county’s share under § 16-305 of this subtitle for the preceding fiscal year, which shall be compensated for during the fiscal year.
    (b)    (1)    Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, within 5 days after it receives a certification from the Commission, the county shall pay the amount due to the board of trustees of the community college.
        (2)    The board of trustees of a community college and the governing body of a county may agree in writing to a payment schedule for the county’s share under § 16-305 of this subtitle. If, prior to the 5th day after receiving notification from the Commission, there is a payment schedule agreed to in accordance with this paragraph, the county shall make payments in accordance with that schedule. If a county fails to make a payment in accordance with the schedule, all amounts certified by the Commission but not yet paid by a county shall become due and payable immediately.