Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 3 - License to Sell Cigarettes at Retail in Counties
Section 16-306 - Denials, Reprimands, Suspensions, and Revocations -- Grounds

Subject to the hearing provisions of § 16–307 of this subtitle, the Executive Director may deny a county license to an applicant, reprimand a county licensee, or suspend or revoke a county license if the applicant or licensee:
        (1)    fraudulently or deceptively obtains or attempts to obtain a license for the applicant or licensee or for another person;
        (2)    fraudulently or deceptively uses a license;
        (3)    violates § 16–308.1 of this subtitle; or
        (4)    fails to comply with the Maryland Cigarette Sales Below Cost Act and regulations adopted under it.