Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 5G - Genetic Counselors (Subtitle Effective January 1, 2022.)
Section 14-5G-06 - Members of Committee -- Qualifications -- Terms -- Chair -- Quorum

(a)    The Committee consists of members appointed by the Board as follows:
        (1)    Three shall be individuals who practice genetic counseling and who:
            (i)    On or before December 31, 2023, are certified genetic counselors; and
            (ii)    On or after January 1, 2024, are licensed genetic counselors;
        (2)    Three shall be practicing licensed physicians; and
        (3)    One shall be a consumer member.
    (b)    Each genetic counselor member of the Committee must be:
        (1)    In good standing with the Board; and
        (2)    A resident of the State who has at least 1 year of active genetic counseling experience within the 5–year period immediately preceding the date of the appointment.
    (c)    The licensed physician members of the Committee must:
        (1)    Be in good standing with the Board; and
        (2)    Have experience working with genetic counselors.
    (d)    The consumer member of the Committee:
        (1)    Must be a member of the general public;
        (2)    May not be or ever have been:
            (i)    A genetic counselor;
            (ii)    Any health care professional; or
            (iii)    In training to be a genetic counselor or other health professional; and
        (3)    May not:
            (i)    Participate or ever have participated in a commercial or professional field related to genetic counseling;
            (ii)    Have a household member who participates in a commercial or professional field related to genetic counseling; or
            (iii)    Have had within 2 years before appointment a financial interest in a person regulated by the Board.
    (e)    (1)    The term of a member is 3 years.
        (2)    The terms of members are staggered as required by the terms provided for members of the Committee on January 1, 2022.
        (3)    At the end of a term, a member continues to serve until a successor is appointed and qualifies.
        (4)    A member may not serve more than two consecutive full terms.
        (5)    A member who is appointed after a term has begun serves only for the rest of the term and until a successor is appointed and qualifies.
    (f)    From among its members, the Committee shall elect a chair every 2 years.
    (g)    A quorum of the Committee consists of five members.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Health Occupations

Title 14 - Physicians

Subtitle 5G - Genetic Counselors (Subtitle Effective January 1, 2022.)

Section 14-5G-01 - Definitions

Section 14-5G-02 - Authorization to Practice Not Limited by Subtitle

Section 14-5G-03 - Adoption of Regulations

Section 14-5G-04 - Reasonable Fees -- Collected Fees to Comptroller -- Fees Used to Cover Duties of Board

Section 14-5G-05 - Genetic Counseling Advisory Committee

Section 14-5G-06 - Members of Committee -- Qualifications -- Terms -- Chair -- Quorum

Section 14-5G-07 - Powers of Committee -- Board Interaction With Committee

Section 14-5G-08 - License Required -- Inapplicable to Certain Individuals

Section 14-5G-09 - Qualifications of License Applicant -- Criminal History Records Check -- Additional Requirements by Board

Section 14-5G-10 - Requirements of License Applicants

Section 14-5G-11 - License Issued to Qualified Applicants -- Considerations Concerning Criminal History Record

Section 14-5G-12 - Authorization of Genetic Counselor License -- Reference to Other Health Care Practitioners

Section 14-5G-13 - Term of License -- Renewals -- Periodic Renewals for Additional Terms -- Continuing Education or Competency Requirements -- Reinstatement of License -- Criminal History Records Check

Section 14-5G-14 - Supervised Genetic Counselor License -- Failure of Examination -- Condition of Licensure -- Restriction on Representation -- Term of License -- Subject to Discipline

Section 14-5G-15 - Notification Requirement of Change of Name or Address -- Administrative Penalty

Section 14-5G-16 - Surrender or Lapse of License During Investigation or While Charges Pending

Section 14-5G-17 - Cease and Desist Order by Disciplinary Panel

Section 14-5G-18 - Grounds Supporting Possible Actions by Disciplinary Panel -- Opportunity for Board Hearing -- Conviction of Licensee -- Fines-- Additional Terms and Conditions

Section 14-5G-19 - Judicial Appeal -- Board Order Not Stayed -- Appeal by Board

Section 14-5G-20 - Report by Employer of Actions Against Licensed Counselor -- Alcohol-Impaired or Drug-Impaired Licensee -- Treatment Programs -- Confidentiality -- Reports Submitted -- Penalties

Section 14-5G-21 - Filings Posted on Board Website -- Public Individual Licensee Profiles -- Disclaimers -- Correction of Inaccuracies / Timing of Board Posting

Section 14-5G-22 - Reinstatement of Revoked Licenses

Section 14-5G-23 - License Required to Practice

Section 14-5G-24 - Representations to Public

Section 14-5G-25 - Services Limited to Authorized Individuals

Section 14-5G-26 - Employment or Supervision Limited to Licensed Individuals -- Penalties

Section 14-5G-27 - Misdemeanors -- Civil Fines -- Deposit of Collected Penalties

Section 14-5G-28 - Citation of Subtitle

Section 14-5G-29 - Termination of Subtitle