Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 2 - Board of License Commissioners
Section 14-204 - Compensation; Staff

(a)    (1)    The chair of the Board shall receive $4,200 annually for expenses incurred while performing the duties of the office.
        (2)    Each regular member of the Board shall receive $3,600 annually for expenses incurred while performing the duties of the office.
        (3)    The substitute member of the Board shall receive $200 for each meeting of the Board attended as an acting regular member for expenses incurred while performing the duties of the office.
    (b)    Subject to § 14–205 of this subtitle, the Board:
        (1)    may employ:
            (i)    a secretary;
            (ii)    inspectors; and
            (iii)    clerical and other assistants as are necessary; and
        (2)    shall set the compensation of the employees.
    (c)    The Board may appoint a clerk and an attorney at salaries that the County Commissioners set.
    (d)    The Board of County Commissioners shall pay the salaries and expenses of the Board of License Commissioners.