Maryland Statutes
Part I - General Provisions
Section 13-612 - Jurisdiction, Powers, and Duties

(a)    In this section, “property manager” means an entity responsible for the management and maintenance of real property, including:
        (1)    finding tenants;
        (2)    collecting rent;
        (3)    paying expenses and applicable taxes;
        (4)    maintaining utilities and systems; and
        (5)    taking any necessary actions to manage and operate real property.
    (b)    The Council may operate in the region.
    (c)    The Council may:
        (1)    adopt a seal;
        (2)    sue;
        (3)    adopt bylaws and rules for the conduct of its business;
        (4)    enter into contracts and agreements;
        (5)    borrow money and accept advances, loans, grants, contributions, and any other form of assistance from the federal government, the State, or other public or private source;
        (6)    give any required security;
        (7)    include in any contract for financial assistance with the federal government any reasonable and appropriate condition imposed under federal law that is not inconsistent with the purposes of this subtitle;
        (8)    execute any instrument and act as necessary, convenient, or desirable to carry out its powers and the purposes of this subtitle; and
        (9)    act as a property manager of the Southern Maryland Regional Agricultural Center owned by and located within St. Mary’s County.
    (d)    The Council shall publish its rules.