Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 2 - Grain Dealers Licensing
Section 13-203 - Grain Dealer's Licenses; Fee; Expiration

(a)    A person may not be a grain dealer without first obtaining an annual grain dealer’s license from the Secretary.
    (b)    Each license shall be issued upon payment of the applicable fee required by subsection (d) of this section and providing proof of adequate insurance under § 13–212 of this subtitle and shall be effective until December 31, following, unless revoked.
    (c)    Fees collected for the issuance of licenses under this subtitle shall be deposited in the Administration Fund.
    (d)    The fees for the different types of grain dealers’ licenses are as follows:

Type of license
Bushels of grain anticipated to be handled in the year of license application, rounded to the nearest 1,000 bushels

Annual license fee
1 to 49,999
50,000 to 99,999
100,000 to 499,999
500,000 and above

    (e)    (1)    In determining the type of license to issue under this section, the Secretary may rely on representations of the number of bushels of grain handled in the most recent grain records of the grain dealer.
        (2)    For a person who is applying for licensure as a grain dealer for the first time in this State, the Secretary may rely on the representations made by the person of the number of bushels of grain that the person anticipates handling in the year for which the license is sought.
    (f)    (1)    A person who applies for renewal or original licensure as a grain dealer shall make an oath under penalty of perjury that all representations made by the person in the most recent grain records are true and correct.
        (2)    A person immediately shall notify the Department if their status as to the type of license changes.