Maryland Statutes
Part II - Canal Place Preservation and Development Authority
Section 13-1011 - Management Plan -- Contents

Subject to § 13-1012 of this subtitle, within 18 months after the date on which the Authority conducts its first meeting, the Authority shall develop and submit to the Maryland Historical Trust a management plan that:
        (1)    Specifies the goals and objectives for the preservation, development, and management of the Heritage Area;
        (2)    Provides an inventory of the significant resources in the Heritage Area, including its cultural, historic, and natural resources;
        (3)    Identifies the types of public and private uses to be accommodated in the Heritage Area;
        (4)    Describes the educational, interpretative, and recreational programs and projects concerning the Heritage Area;
        (5)    Describes plans for encouraging and accommodating visitation to and economic development of the Heritage Area;
        (6)    Provides an economic assessment of the long and short term costs and benefits related to the implementation of the management plan, including an identification of expected sources of funding;
        (7)    Describes the specific techniques or means for the long term preservation and protection of the significant resources in the Heritage Area, including its cultural, historic, and natural resources;
        (8)    Describes the public and private organizational structure to be utilized for planning, development, and management of the Heritage Area; and
        (9)    Provides a schedule for the planning, development, and management of the Heritage Area.