Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 7 - Prohibited Acts; Penalties
Section 12-707 - Penalties; Report of Convictions

(a)    A person who violates any provision of the following subtitles or sections of this title is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to a fine not exceeding $1,000:
        (1)    § 12–311 (“Display of licenses”);
        (2)    Subtitle 4 (“Pharmacy permits”);
        (3)    § 12–502(b) (“Pharmaceutical information”);
        (4)    § 12–505 (“Labeling requirements for prescription medicines”); and
        (5)    § 12–604 (“General power to inspect drugs, devices, and other products”).
    (b)    A person who violates any provision of the following sections of this title is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to a fine not exceeding $1,000 or imprisonment not exceeding 1 year or both:
        (1)    § 12–701 (“Practicing pharmacy without license”);
        (2)    § 12–702 (“License obtained by false representation”);
        (3)    § 12–703 (“Operating a pharmacy without permit”);
        (4)    § 12–704 (“Misrepresentations”);
        (5)    § 12–6B–12 (“Working as an unregistered pharmacy technician”); and
        (6)    § 12–6D–15 (“Practicing as an unregistered pharmacy intern”).
    (c)    Each day that a violation of any section of Subtitle 4 of this title continues constitutes a separate offense.
    (d)    Within 10 days after a court renders the conviction, the court shall report to the Board each conviction of a pharmacist or registered pharmacy technician for:
        (1)    Any crime regarding the pharmacy or drug laws that involves professional misconduct; or
        (2)    Any crime that involves the State law regarding controlled dangerous substances or the federal narcotic laws.
    (e)    (1)    Any person who violates § 12–701 (“Practicing pharmacy without a license”), § 12–703 (“Operating a pharmacy without a permit”), § 12–6B–12 (“Working as an unregistered pharmacy technician”), or § 12–6D–15 (“Practicing as an unregistered pharmacy intern”) of this title is subject to a civil fine of not more than $50,000 to be assessed by the Board.
        (2)    The Board shall pay any penalty collected under this subsection into the State Board of Pharmacy Fund.