Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 6C - Wholesale Distributor Permitting and Prescription Drug Integrity Act
Section 12-6C-02 - Exceptions

This subtitle does not affect any person while distributing:
        (1)    Feed for livestock or poultry;
        (2)    Fertilizers;
        (3)    Fungicides;
        (4)    Insecticide;
        (5)    Land plaster;
        (6)    Lime;
        (7)    Seeds;
        (8)    Devices, drugs, or supplies of any kind for the treatment, care, or cure of farm animals; or
        (9)    Compounded nonsterile preparations or compounded sterile preparations provided in accordance with § 12–510 of this title to a licensed veterinarian who intends to dispense the compounded nonsterile preparations or compounded sterile preparations in accordance with § 2–313(c) of the Agriculture Article.