Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 5 - Practice of Pharmacy and Operation of Pharmacies
Section 12-513 - Advance Notice of Certain Pharmacy Closings -- Certain Information Included in Notice -- Adoption of Regulations

(a)    Before the closing of a pharmacy for more than 7 consecutive days, at least 14 days before the anticipated closing of the pharmacy, the owner of the pharmacy shall provide notice of the closing by:
        (1)    Posting a notice:
            (i)    That is conspicuously positioned in the pharmacy and readable by pharmacy customers; and
            (ii)    If applicable, on the pharmacy’s website; and
        (2)    Providing written and verbal notice to each customer who picks up a prescription or refill.
    (b)    Each notice shall indicate:
        (1)    The date of the anticipated closing of the pharmacy, if available;
        (2)    The name of the pharmacy to which the closing pharmacy will transfer pharmacy customers’ prescriptions and records; and
        (3)    That a pharmacy customer may request the closing pharmacy to send the pharmacy customer’s prescriptions and records to another pharmacy.
    (c)    The Board shall adopt regulations to:
        (1)    Define “closing of a pharmacy”; and
        (2)    Provide exceptions to the requirements of this section.