Changes in the rate applicable to an open end account, including a credit card plan which provides for sales, cash advances, or both, are limited as follows:
(1) Any balance existing before July 1, 1982 is to be repaid at the then applicable rate of interest or finance charge regardless of any subsequent increase in the rate applicable to the account.
(2) If the rate applicable to any balance for which the borrower or buyer becomes obligated on or after July 1, 1982 is increased, the borrower or buyer may repay the existing balance at the rate in effect prior to the time the increase becomes effective. If the borrower or buyer increases the balance of his account by making purchases or requesting cash advances, the increased rate shall apply only to the portion of the balance incurred after the rate increases.
Structure Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 5 - Retail Credit Accounts
Section 12-502 - Application of Subtitle
Section 12-503 - Establishment of Account
Section 12-504 - Maximum Finance Charge -- in General
Section 12-505 - Maximum Finance Charge -- Closed End Account
Section 12-505.1 - Maximum Finance Charge -- Closed End Account -- Refinancing at Higher Rate
Section 12-505.3 - Maximum Finance Charge -- Closed End Account -- Balloon Payment Prohibited
Section 12-506 - Maximum Finance Charge -- Open End Account
Section 12-506.1 - Credit Balances
Section 12-506.2 - Limitations Upon Changes in Rate Applicable to Open End Account
Section 12-507 - Note Taken as Part of Account
Section 12-508 - Attorney's Fees
Section 12-509 - Discount to Consumer Paying Cash
Section 12-510 - Failure to Answer Status Inquiry
Section 12-511 - Billing Statement Inquiry
Section 12-511.1 - Charge for Reply to Inquiry
Section 12-512 - Waiver by Buyer Invalid
Section 12-513 - Violation of Subtitle
Section 12-514 - Jurisdiction of Commissioner of Financial Regulation