Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 4 - Maryland Money Transmission Act
Section 12-410 - Contents and Scope of Licenses; Additional Licenses

(a)    (1)    Each license provided for through NMLS shall include the following information:
            (i)    The name of the licensee;
            (ii)    The trade name of the licensee;
            (iii)    The address at which the business is to be conducted; and
            (iv)    The unique identifier of the licensee.
        (2)    The unique identifier of the licensee shall constitute the license number for the license.
    (b)    (1)    A license authorizes the licensee to do business under the license, at the licensed place of business.
        (2)    A license does not authorize the licensee to accept deposits or engage otherwise in a banking business except as authorized in this subtitle.
        (3)    Only one place of business may be maintained under any one license.
    (c)    The Commissioner may issue more than one license to an applicant who:
        (1)    Complies with § 12–407 of this subtitle; and
        (2)    Otherwise meets the requirements of this subtitle.
    (d)    A license may not be transferred or assigned.
    (e)    (1)    Each licensee shall conspicuously post, in 48 point or larger type, at the licensee’s licensed location the following information:
            (i)    The licensee’s unique identifier; and
            (ii)    A statement advising consumers of the availability of the NMLS Consumer Access website to verify the licensing status of the licensee.
        (2)    Each authorized delegate, at each location open to the public, shall conspicuously post, in at least 48–point type, the following information:
            (i)    A notice stating, “The Commissioner of Financial Regulation for the State of Maryland will accept all questions or complaints regarding this authorized delegate of (name of licensee and unique identifier) at (address of Commissioner), phone (toll–free phone number of the Commissioner)”; and
            (ii)    A statement advising consumers of the availability of the NMLS Consumer Access website to verify the licensing status of the licensee.
        (3)    Each licensee shall conspicuously display the following information on the licensee’s website, a mobile application through which the services are offered, on the outside of the self–service financial kiosk, any software application accessible to the public and used for money transmission services, and profile page within each social media platform the licensee uses:
            (i)    The licensee’s unique identifier;
            (ii)    A link to the NMLS Consumer Access website; and
            (iii)    A notice stating, “The Commissioner of Financial Regulation for the State of Maryland will accept all questions or complaints from Maryland residents regarding (name of licensee and unique identifier) at (address of Commissioner), phone (toll–free phone number of the Commissioner)”.
    (f)    A licensee is not required to post the information required in subsection (e)(1) of this section if the licensee does not regularly grant access to the licensed location to members of the general public.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Financial Institutions

Title 12 - Miscellaneous Institutions and Activities

Subtitle 4 - Maryland Money Transmission Act

Section 12-401 - Definitions

Section 12-402 - Scope of Subtitle

Section 12-403 - Powers of Commissioner

Section 12-404 - Credit of Revenue From Licensing and Payment of Fines and Penalties Into Various Funds

Section 12-405 - License Required

Section 12-406 - Qualifications of Applicant for License

Section 12-407 - Applications for Licenses

Section 12-408 - Fingerprinting

Section 12-408.1 - Privacy or Confidentiality of Information and Privilege Under Federal or State Law

Section 12-409 - Investigation of Application; Issuance or Denial of License

Section 12-410 - Contents and Scope of Licenses; Additional Licenses

Section 12-411 - Term and Renewal of Licenses

Section 12-412 - Required Bond or Permissible Investments

Section 12-413 - Authorized Delegate

Section 12-413.1 - Training to Recognize Financial Abuse and Exploitation of Elder Adult

Section 12-414 - Fraud, False Statements, or Misrepresentation Prohibited; Management of Funds; Reporting Loss or Theft of Funds

Section 12-415 - Change of Location or Control; Penalties

Section 12-416 - Reports to Commissioner

Section 12-417 - Compliance With Federal and State Laws

Section 12-418 - Required Permissible Investments; Segregation of Money by Authorized Delegate

Section 12-419 - Issuance of Duplicate Payment Instruments

Section 12-420 - Redemption of Unused Payment Instruments

Section 12-421 - Determination of Compliance With Subtitle

Section 12-422 - Voluntary Surrender of License

Section 12-423 - Investigatory Powers of Commissioner

Section 12-424 - Examinations

Section 12-425 - Required Records

Section 12-426 - Violations

Section 12-427 - Persons Subject to Enforcement

Section 12-428 - Hearings

Section 12-429 - Enforcement of Subtitle

Section 12-430 - Penalties

Section 12-430.1 - Reporting and Enforcement of Actions Against Money Transmitters

Section 12-431 - Short Title