Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 3 - Forfeiture Proceedings
Section 12-306 - Notice

(a)    A notice shall be signed by the clerk and shall:
        (1)    include the caption of the case;
        (2)    describe the substance of the complaint and the relief sought;
        (3)    state the latest date on which a response may be filed;
        (4)    state that the property shall be forfeited if a response is not filed on time;
        (5)    state that the owner of the property may have possession of the property pending forfeiture by posting a bond as provided in § 12-208 of this title; and
        (6)    tell where to file a response and whom to contact for more information concerning the forfeiture.
    (b)    Within 20 days after the filing of the complaint, the notice shall be:
        (1)    posted by the sheriff on the door of the courthouse where the action is pending or on a bulletin board within the immediate vicinity of the door;
        (2)    posted by the sheriff in a conspicuous place on the land, if forfeiture of real property is sought; and
        (3)    published at least once a week in each of 3 successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation published in the county in which the action is pending, unless the property is a boat or motor vehicle.