Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 3 - Redevelopment Bonds
Section 12-303 - Designation of Blighted Area

(a)    Before a political subdivision issues a bond, the political subdivision shall pass an ordinance or administrative resolution that:
        (1)    designates an area in the political subdivision as a designated blighted area based on the substantial presence of:
            (i)    excessive vacant land on which structures were previously located;
            (ii)    abandoned or vacant buildings;
            (iii)    substandard structures;
            (iv)    delinquencies in real property tax payments; or
            (v)    similar factors that the political subdivision determines indicate blight;
        (2)    designates the financed area for which the proceeds of the bond are to be used; and
        (3)    adopts a redevelopment plan for the designated blighted area.
    (b)    (1)    Before a county may designate a blighted area or financed area that lies wholly or partly in a municipal corporation, the municipal corporation shall consent to the designation of the part of the area that is within the municipal corporation.
        (2)    Before a municipal corporation may designate a blighted area or financed area, the county that contains the area shall consent to the designation.
        (3)    Consent under this subsection shall be made by ordinance or administrative resolution.
    (c)    A political subdivision that issues a bond as a qualified redevelopment bond under the Internal Revenue Code shall comply with federal law in determining:
        (1)    the designated blighted area and the financed area to which the bond relates; and
        (2)    any other designated blighted areas in the political subdivision.