Maryland Statutes
Part VI - Enforcement and Penalties
Section 12-134 - Injunctive Actions

(a)    To stop or prevent a negligent or unsafe excavation or demolition, an owner or the Attorney General may file an action for a writ of mandamus or injunction in a court of competent jurisdiction in Baltimore City or the county in which the excavation or demolition is being performed or is to be performed or in which the person resides or has its principal place of business, if the person:
        (1)    is performing an excavation or demolition in a negligent or unsafe manner that has resulted in or is likely to result in damage to an underground facility; or
        (2)    is intending to use procedures to carry out the excavation or demolition that are likely to result in damage to an underground facility.
    (b)    (1)    To make its judgment or processes effective, the court may join as parties any persons necessary or proper.
        (2)    If appropriate, the court shall issue a final order granting the injunction or writ of mandamus.