Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 9 - Miscellaneous Provisions
Section 11-905 - Supervision of Animals in Care of Veterinarians or Commercial Boarding Kennel Operators

(a)    In this section, “premises” means the land and the structures erected on it which are used for the commercial boarding of animals.
    (b)    A veterinarian, as defined in § 2-301(h) of the Agriculture Article, or a commercial boarding kennel operator who does not provide 24-hour supervision by a person physically on the premises to an animal under the care or custody of the veterinarian or the commercial boarding kennel operator shall provide written notification to the owner of the animal advising the owner of the lack of 24-hour supervision.
    (c)    Any person who violates the provisions of this section, or any regulation adopted to implement the provisions of this section, is subject to a fine not exceeding $50, in an action in the District Court in the State of Maryland.