Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 7 - Sex Offender Registration
Section 11-727 - Evaluations Before Sentencing for Violations of 3-602 of the Criminal Law Article

(a)    Unless waived by the State’s Attorney and defense counsel, before sentencing a defendant who is required to register under § 11–704 of this subtitle for a violation of § 3–602 of the Criminal Law Article, the court shall order the defendant to submit to:
        (1)    a presentence investigation conducted by the Division of Parole and Probation; and
        (2)    a mental health assessment, including whether the defendant is a danger to self or others, conducted by a qualified mental health professional employed or engaged by the Maryland Department of Health.
    (b)    The court shall consider the presentence investigation and mental health evaluation when sentencing the defendant.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Criminal Procedure

Title 11 - Victims and Witnesses

Subtitle 7 - Sex Offender Registration

Section 11-701 - Definitions

Section 11-702 - Elements of Conviction

Section 11-702.1 - Retroactive Application of Subtitle

Section 11-703 - Determination of Predator Status

Section 11-704 - Registration Required

Section 11-704.1 - Registry of Juvenile Sex Offenders

Section 11-704.2 - Waiver of Registration for Sex Offender Under Witness Protection

Section 11-705 - Deadline for Registration

Section 11-706 - Registration Statements

Section 11-707 - Term of Registration

Section 11-708 - Duties of Supervising Authority

Section 11-709 - Notification Requirements of Local Law Enforcement Unit

Section 11-710 - Notice of Registrant's Change of Address

Section 11-712 - Notice of Escape and Recapture

Section 11-713 - Duties of Department

Section 11-714 - Providing Registration Statements -- in General

Section 11-715 - Providing Registration Statements -- Supervising Authority

Section 11-716 - Providing Registration Statements -- Local Law Enforcement Unit

Section 11-717 - Registration Statements to Be Made Available to Public; Posting on Internet

Section 11-718 - Notice to Protect Public

Section 11-719 - Immunity for Public Officials, Employees, and Units

Section 11-720 - Regulations

Section 11-721 - Prohibited Act; Penalty

Section 11-722 - Entry Onto School or Day Care Property or Informal Day Care Home Prohibited

Section 11-723 - Lifetime Sexual Offender Supervision

Section 11-724 - Lifetime Sexual Offender Supervision -- Violations

Section 11-725 - Sexual Offender Management Teams

Section 11-726 - Regulations

Section 11-727 - Evaluations Before Sentencing for Violations of 3-602 of the Criminal Law Article