Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 5 - Employment and Compensation of Pilots
Section 11-504 - Inactive Pilots; Disabled Pilots

(a)    A pilot is eligible for payments as an inactive pilot under § 11-505 of this subtitle if the pilot:
        (1)    (i)    chooses to be placed on the list of inactive pilots maintained by the Association; and
            (ii)    has been, for at least 25 years:
                1.    a member in good standing of the Association; and
                2.    licensed by the Board to provide pilotage for vessels of unlimited draft; or
        (2)    (i)    1.    has been certified by two physicians chosen by the Board to be permanently incapable of providing pilotage; or
                2.    has had a federal or State pilot’s license revoked for physical disability; and
            (ii)    before becoming permanently disabled, the pilot was:
                1.    a member in good standing of the Association; and
                2.    licensed by the Board to provide pilotage for vessels of any draft.
    (b)    A pilot is eligible for reduced payments as an inactive pilot under § 11-505 of this subtitle if the pilot:
        (1)    chooses to be placed on the list of inactive pilots maintained by the Association; and
        (2)    has been, for at least 20 years:
            (i)    a member in good standing of the Association; and
            (ii)    licensed by the Board to provide pilotage for vessels of unlimited draft.
    (c)    Eligibility for payments as an inactive pilot shall cease if:
        (1)    a pilot who was declared permanently incapable of providing pilotage becomes capable of providing pilotage; or
        (2)    a pilot who had a federal or State pilot’s license revoked for physical disability has the license reissued.
    (d)    Time of service as a licensed docking master on or before September 30, 2004, shall be included in determining a pilot’s eligibility for payment as an inactive pilot.
    (e)    A pilot who held an unlimited docking master license on October 1, 2000, is eligible for reduced payments as an inactive pilot under § 11-505 of this subtitle if the pilot:
        (1)    chooses to be placed on the list of inactive pilots maintained by the Association; and
        (2)    has been, for at least 5 years:
            (i)    a member in good standing of the Association or of the Association of Maryland Docking Pilots; and
            (ii)    licensed by the Board to provide pilotage for vessels of unlimited draft.