Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 2 - General Powers and Duties of Secretary and Local Inspectors
Section 11-209 - Off-Sale, Stop-Use, Stop-Removal, and Removal Orders

(a)    If the Secretary finds that any package or amount of any commodity is possessed, offered, or exposed for sale in violation of law, the Secretary may order them off-sale and may mark or tag them to show they are illegal.
    (b)    Whenever the Secretary finds that any violation of this subtitle or any rule or regulation adopted under it has occurred, he may issue a stop-use order, stop-removal order, and removal order with respect to weights and measures being, or capable of being, commercially used. He may issue stop-removal orders and removal orders with respect to any package or amount of any commodity possessed, offered, or exposed for sale, sold, or being delivered if he deems it necessary for the protection of the public.
    (c)    No person may sell, use, remove, otherwise dispose of, or fail to remove from the premises specified, any weight, measure, or package or an amount of any commodity contrary to the terms of any order issued under this section.
    (d)    This section does not limit the right of the Secretary to proceed as authorized by other sections of this title.