Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 4 - Public-Private Partnership Agreements
Section 10A-403 - Inclusion of Minority Business Enterprise Program

(a)    This section applies to the project development of the 28–acre State–owned property in Baltimore City bordered by Dolphin Street, North Howard Street, Martin Luther King Boulevard, and Madison Avenue, commonly known as State Center.
    (b)    Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, the State or its reporting agency may not enter into a new or modified contract or plan for the development of State Center unless the new or modified contract or plan includes provisions that require:
        (1)    an enforceable community benefits agreement between the developer and the State Center Neighborhood Alliance, Inc. to provide for a concerted and coordinated effort by the developer and the community throughout the entire planning, development, and construction phases of the project;
        (2)    a comprehensive local hiring plan for the project that includes goals for short–term construction jobs, long–term employment opportunities, and job training; and
        (3)    an economic improvement plan for the project that includes goals for the use of minority– and women–owned and locally owned businesses.
    (c)    Any new or modified development contract or plan shall, to the extent possible, include:
        (1)    State agencies as the major anchor tenant;
        (2)    space for retail, housing, offices, restaurants, and other private businesses;
        (3)    a high–quality, full–service grocery store;
        (4)    parking facilities designed to reduce parking impacts on the surrounding communities;
        (5)    elements designed to increase the connection of State Center to the surrounding communities; and
        (6)    green space.
    (d)    The State or its reporting agency shall include the State Center Neighborhood Alliance, Inc., and any other interested community association in:
        (1)    any selection process for a new development contractor; and
        (2)    the development of any new plans for the State Center project or any proposed modifications to existing development contracts for the project.
    (e)    A developer who is a party to a new contract or plan for the development of State Center shall use best practical efforts to begin construction within 18 months after execution of the new contract and any associated plans.