Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 9 - Captive Wildlife
Section 10-909 - Collection of Wildlife, Nests, or Eggs for Scientific or Educational Purposes

(a)    Any properly accredited person of known scientific attainment desiring to collect wildlife, nests, or eggs from the wild for scientific or educational purposes shall first obtain a scientific collection permit from the Secretary.
    (b)    The Secretary may issue a scientific collecting permit, on the payment of a reasonable fee, to any properly accredited person who has demonstrated a legitimate scientific or educational need for the requested wildlife.
    (c)    The Secretary may adopt regulations governing the issuance, revocation, terms, and conditions of the permit.
    (d)    The permit:
        (1)    Shall expire December 31 of the issuing year; and
        (2)    May not be transferred to another person.
    (e)    The permit becomes void on proof that the permittee has:
        (1)    Captured or killed any wildlife;
        (2)    Taken any nests or eggs for other than scientific or educational purposes; or
        (3)    Taken or possessed any wildlife, nests, or eggs not authorized by the permit.