Maryland Statutes
Part III - Maryland Energy Innovation Institute
Section 10-832 - Director

(a)    (1)    The Director of the University of Maryland Energy Research Center, a University of Maryland faculty member, shall be the Director of the Institute.
        (2)    The Institute Director shall appoint an Associate Director who shall be a University of Maryland faculty member.
    (b)    The Institute Director, or the Institute Director’s designee, shall:
        (1)    attend all meetings of the Institute Board;
        (2)    act as secretary to the Institute Board;
        (3)    keep minutes of all proceedings of the Institute Board;
        (4)    approve all salaries, per diem payments, and allowable expenses of the Institute, its employees, and its consultants;
        (5)    approve any expenses incidental to the operation of the Institute; and
        (6)    perform the other duties the Institute Board directs in carrying out this part.