Maryland Statutes
Part III - Involuntary Admissions
Section 10-617 - Admission Limitations

(a)    A facility or Veterans’ Administration hospital may not admit the individual under this part unless:
        (1)    The individual has a mental disorder;
        (2)    The individual needs inpatient care or treatment;
        (3)    The individual presents a danger to the life or safety of the individual or of others;
        (4)    The individual is unable or unwilling to be admitted voluntarily; and
        (5)    There is no available, less restrictive form of intervention that is consistent with the welfare and safety of the individual.
    (b)    (1)    In addition to the limitations in subsection (a) of this section, a State facility may not admit an individual who is 65 years old or older unless a geriatric evaluation team determines that there is no available, less restrictive form of care or treatment that is adequate for the needs of the individual.
        (2)    If admission is denied because of the determination of the geriatric evaluation team, the team shall:
            (i)    Inform the applicant; and
            (ii)    Help the applicant obtain the less restrictive form of care or treatment that the team finds would be adequate for the needs of the individual.