Maryland Statutes
Part II - Stadium Authority
Section 10-612.1 - Youth and Amateur Sports Grants Program -- Purpose -- Administration -- Funding

(a)    (1)    In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.
        (2)    “Fund” means the Michael Erin Busch Sports Fund established under § 10–612.2 of this subtitle.
        (3)    “Program” means the Youth and Amateur Sports Grants Program.
    (b)    (1)    There is a Youth and Amateur Sports Grants Program.
        (2)    The purpose of the Program is to provide grants from the Fund to:
            (i)    bring new youth and amateur sporting events to the State; and
            (ii)    attract sports fans, participants, and tourists.
    (c)    Maryland Sports shall implement and administer the Program in accordance with this section.
    (d)    (1)    Maryland Sports may award grants from the Fund to nonprofit organizations, counties, business entities, or individuals to assist with the costs of bringing youth and amateur sporting events to the State, including the costs of capital projects or maintenance.
        (2)    In awarding grants, Maryland Sports shall give priority to an applicant for a sporting event that:
            (i)    has demonstrated financial support from a county; or
            (ii)    has provided assurance that a majority of the needed funding has been raised from private sources.
        (3)    To the extent practicable, Maryland Sports shall make awards to grantees that reflect:
            (i)    the geographic diversity of the State;
            (ii)    sports programs that are gender–specific and nonspecific; and
            (iii)    diverse types of sports.
        (4)    Unless the Authority expressly approves otherwise, the total amount of grants awarded to each nonprofit organization, county, business entity, or individual may not exceed $75,000 in a fiscal year.
        (5)    In accordance with a budget approved by the Authority, Maryland Sports may use money in the Fund to pay administrative and operating costs of the Program, including costs to market and advertise the Program.
    (e)    The Authority may adopt regulations to carry out this section.