Maryland Statutes
Part IV - Maryland Hospital Bond Program
Section 10-349 - Bond Issuance

(a)    The Authority may issue bonds to finance or otherwise provide for the payment of public obligations or closure costs of a hospital in accordance with a plan developed under § 10-348 of this subtitle.
    (b)    The bonds issued under subsection (a) of this section shall:
        (1)    be payable from the fees provided under § 10-350 of this subtitle or from other sources provided in the plan;
        (2)    be authorized, sold, executed, and delivered in accordance with this subtitle; and
        (3)    have terms consistent with constitutional and other legal requirements.
    (c)    In connection with the issuance of any bond, the Authority may assign its rights under a loan, lease, or other financing agreement between the Authority or any other issuer of a public obligation and the closed or delicensed hospital to the State or a State unit in consideration for the payment of a public obligation as provided in this part.