If any person, convicted of violating § 10-306 of this subtitle under any penalty provided in this title, presents the person’s hunter’s license to the court within five days after the person’s conviction, the court, if it determines that the person held the license prior to the person’s arrest and that the violation was due to inadvertence, may reduce by one-half any penalty originally imposed.
Structure Maryland Statutes
Section 10-301.1 - Competency in Firearms and Hunter Safety
Section 10-301.2 - Patron's Licenses
Section 10-301.3 - Commemorative Lifetime Hunting License
Section 10-302 - Sale of Licenses and Stamps by Persons Engaged in Retail Business
Section 10-303 - Complimentary Licenses
Section 10-304 - Disposition of Proceeds From Licenses
Section 10-306 - Duty to Possess and Show License When Hunting
Section 10-307 - Special Permit for Disabled Persons to Hunt From Vehicles
Section 10-308.1 - Migratory Game Bird Stamp
Section 10-308.2 - Snow Goose Hunting by Nonresidents
Section 10-309 - Waterfowl Hunting Guide Licenses
Section 10-309.1 - Waterfowl Hunting Guide Services for Hunting Snow Geese
Section 10-310 - Obtaining License by False Statements
Section 10-311 - Inadvertent Violation of 10-306