Maryland Statutes
Part IV - Purpose and Administration of Fund
Section 10-214 - Composition; Use

(a)    The Fund shall consist of:
        (1)    the money credited to the Fund under Title 9 of this article;
        (2)    income from investments that the State Treasurer makes for the Fund;
        (3)    interest on deposits or investments of money from the Fund;
        (4)    money that the Fund acquires by gift; and
        (5)    money that the federal government pays as reimbursement for a payment from the Fund.
    (b)    The Fund shall include each security that the Fund acquires.
    (c)    The Fund shall be used to pay:
        (1)    each award under Title 9 of this article charged against the Fund; and
        (2)    other expenses authorized in the State budget.