Maryland Statutes
Part I - Nonsupport of Spouse; Nonsupport or Desertion of Minor Child -- in General
Section 10-202 - Order to Pay Spousal Support

(a)    Before trial and with the written consent of the accused individual, or on conviction of the individual under § 10-201 of this subtitle, instead of or in addition to imposing a penalty under § 10-201 of this subtitle, the court may:
        (1)    order the individual to pay spousal support periodically in a certain amount for 3 years; and
        (2)    place the individual on probation on the individual’s entering into a recognizance.
    (b)    In passing the order, the court shall consider the financial circumstances of the accused individual.
    (c)    The accused individual shall make the payments to the spouse directly or through the appropriate support enforcement agency.
    (d)    The court may modify the order as circumstances require.