Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 15 - Production Credits for Renewable Fuels
Section 10-1503 - Renewable Fuels Incentive Board

(a)    There is a Renewable Fuels Incentive Board.
    (b)    The Board consists of four members as follows:
        (1)    The Secretary of Agriculture or the Secretary’s designee;
        (2)    The Secretary of Commerce or the Secretary’s designee;
        (3)    The Secretary of the Environment or the Secretary’s designee; and
        (4)    The Director of the Maryland Energy Administration or the Director’s designee.
    (c)    (1)    The Secretary of Agriculture or the Secretary’s designee shall serve as the Chair of the Board.
        (2)    The Department of Agriculture, the Department of Commerce, and the Maryland Department of the Environment jointly shall provide staff support for the Board.
    (d)    The Board shall review credit certification applications and pay credits under this subtitle.