Maryland Statutes
Part IV - Child Support Liens
Section 10-142 - Enforcement of Lien

(a)    If a child support lien is not satisfied or released, the Administration may bring an action in a circuit court to enforce the lien.
    (b)    The following persons shall be made parties to the proceeding:
        (1)    each person who has a recorded lien on the property that is sought to be subjected to the proceedings under this section; and
        (2)    each person who claims a right or interest in the property that is sought to be subjected to the proceedings under this section.
    (c)    The court, acting without a jury, shall:
        (1)    adjudicate all matters involved in the proceedings; and
        (2)    determine the merits of all claims or liens.
    (d)    If the claim of the obligee is established, the court may order:
        (1)    a sale of the property or rights to property; and
        (2)    a distribution of any proceeds of sale to the Administration or obligee.