Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 11 - Penalties and Fines, Searches, Seizures,and Forfeitures
Section 10-1103 - Search Warrants

If any Natural Resources police officer or any law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe that any person possesses any bird, mammal, amphibian, or reptile or any device in violation of this title, the officer shall go before any District Court judge of the county in which the species of wildlife or device is believed to be and make affidavit to that fact. If the judge finds the affidavit legally sufficient, the judge shall issue a search warrant against the person complained of, directed to the officer making the affidavit, commanding the officer to proceed at once and search for the bird, mammal, amphibian, or reptile or the device and, upon finding it, to seize, take possession, and keep it until further order by the judge. The warrant shall be executed pursuant to the Maryland Rules. The warrant shall be returned within 5 days from the issuing date or within a shorter period of time set forth in the search warrant.