Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 1 - Maryland Economic Development Corporation
Section 10-106 - Board of Directors

(a)    A Board of Directors shall manage the Corporation and exercise its powers.
    (b)    The Board consists of the following 12 members:
        (1)    as ex officio voting members:
            (i)    the Secretary; and
            (ii)    the Secretary of Transportation; and
        (2)    the following members, appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate:
            (i)    two representatives of local government;
            (ii)    three members who are knowledgeable in real estate or commercial financing;
            (iii)    three members who are knowledgeable in industrial development or industrial relations; and
            (iv)    two members of the general public.
    (c)    Each member of the Board shall be a resident of the State.
    (d)    In appointing Board members, the Governor shall consider geographic diversity and minority representation.
    (e)    (1)    The term of an appointed member is 4 years.
        (2)    The terms of the appointed members are staggered as required by the terms provided for members of the Board on October 1, 2008.
        (3)    At the end of a term, a member continues to serve until a successor is appointed and qualifies.
        (4)    A member who is appointed after a term has begun serves only for the rest of the term and until a successor is appointed and qualifies.
    (f)    Before taking office, each member appointed to the Board shall take the oath required by Article 1, § 9 of the Maryland Constitution.