Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 1 - Injured Workers' Insurance Fund
Section 10-104 - Independent Unit

(a)    The Fund is independent of all State units.
    (b)    (1)    Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection and elsewhere in this subtitle, the Fund is not subject to any law, including § 6–106 of the State Government Article, that affects governmental units.
        (2)    The Fund is subject to:
            (i)    Title 4 of the General Provisions Article;
            (ii)    Title 12 of the State Government Article;
            (iii)    the Maryland Public Ethics Law; and
            (iv)    Title 5, Subtitle 3 of the State Personnel and Pensions Article.
        (3)    Paragraph (1) of this subsection does not affect the exemption from property tax under § 7–210 of the Tax – Property Article.